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Discover the next generation designers
Week van het Ontwerpen’ puts creative and innovative student projects in the spot- light since 2004.
In an open call addressed to the Flemish design courses, they were asked to select their best student projects.
Accepted courses were
product design (industrial product design, textile/fashion/accessories, furniture design), architecture of interiors, buildings, public space and landscapes, and
multimedia design (games, web & graphic design).
An advisory committee reviewed 108 pro- jects aiming at assembling a coherent exhi- bition. This advisory committee consisted of: Katja Lucas from Dutch Design Week, ar- chitect Maarten Vanbelle from Atelier Vens Vanbelle, designjournalist Leen Creve, entre- preneur and CEO Miguel Garcia from Liquid Floors, design expert An Michiels, designer Giel Dedeurwaerder and set designer Dimi- tri Vercaemst