Designregio Kortrijk Award
With pride, Designregio Kortrijk announ- ces the ‘Design Region Kortrijk Award’!
The innovative and creative power of regi- onal products, included in the brand-new DesignX50 book, is awarded the Designregio Kortrijk Award. Two years ago, the fty design ideas from the book did not yet exist. Now they do.
Thanks to thinkers and doers from Design- regio Kortrijk. The products have earned a Designregio Kortrijk Award for their inno- vative techniques, new thinking and bold designs. With the help of best practices, the innovative products get the recognition they deserve.
The new DesignX50 book is published by Kannibaal publisher and presented in pri- me time during Week van het Ontwerpen 2017. The Expo DesignX50 shows a selection of products from the new book.
Authors DesignX50: Leen Creve, An Michiels and Katarina Serulus
Graphic design: Tim Bishop